Lifeboat relies on volunteers from the community to make the network available in other languages. The translation team is localizing almost all the messages you can see while playing into over 25 languages, 15 of which are currently selectable on the network.
It’s our goal to make Lifeboat available in as many languages as possible. We understand that translating might not sound like the most exciting task for many, yet it’s crucial in bringing our network to other countries. We very much appreciate our translators and the part they play in this.
Create a Crowdin account
Crowdin is an online platform where we do all the translating. To help translate Lifeboat, you will need to create an account at Crowdin. See this page for more information on how to set up your account.
Join the Lifeboat project
Have you created your Crowdin account? All that’s left now is joining our Crowdin project. To join, click the Join button on our project page.
Start translating
You successfully joined Crowdin! You are all set – just select your language and start contributing. See the introduction for volunteer translators for more information on how to use Crowdin.